Home automation was created with the user in mind, utilizing the capabilities of our smart gadgets and offering users access to their systems with the aim of centralizing device interactions. We can remodel current systems to fix or update hardware and incorporate it into the system we develop for you.
Easily manage all technological systems using an IPAD, IPHONE, or Android device
Savant or Control4 custom offering
Remotely supported and managed
Built-in custom scenes and timers for controls
automated lighting
Without an automatic lighting system that is specifically created to assist you set the mood for every area in your house, a smart home wouldn't be complete. The possibilities are infinite; simply switch between bright lighting for chores around the house and a dimmer setting for gatherings and TV.
Scene Based Lighting Control
Set the right mood
Energy Conservation
Customed Designed System
Turn on/off all lights with 1 touch
Custom automatic shading can help your home look better and function better. Motorized shade systems provide you automation at your fingertips so you can control the amount of light in your room, manage the temperature in your house, and retain privacy.
Custom Designed and Planned Systems
Lots of Options Avaiable
Energy Conservation
Outdoor Options Available
Remote Managed